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store rating (61 reviews)

Herring Shoes are specialists in high quality men's shoes. Our list of suppliers include Church's, Loake,...

From the store's website

Store reviews


61 reviews











Herring's customers overwhelmingly love their products and shopping experience. They especially praise the quality of the products and excellent customer service. Customers also find the Herring shopping...

AI-generated from the reviews below and content on the web.Learn more

Anonymous reviewer

Jul 21, 2022 on Google Customer Reviews

"The website is easy to navigate, and the shipping is..."More
I continue to be overwhelmed by Herring Shoes' consistently good customer service. The website is easy to navigate, and the shipping is extremely prompt. The selection also is excellent.Less
Anonymous reviewer

Jul 16, 2020 on Google Customer Reviews

"They always offer great products and very fast shipping..."More
I have bought 8 pairs of shoes with matching shoe trees and a valet box from Herring Shoes since 2008. They always offer great products and very fast shipping even though I am in US. They are a trustworthy merchant who cares not only their business but also their suppliers who make high quality traditional shoes. I can tell they truly love the tradition and willing to handing it over to the future generations. I believe we, as general consumers, should support such merchants and suppliers since they are, in a sense, a living World Heritage. I know they have many royal customers with reason, and I don't hesitate to admit I am one of them. I will come back again and buy more shoes from them for sure.Less
Joseph Sparandera

Sep 26, 2022 on Google Customer Reviews

"The shoes are beautifully crafted and the service is..."More
The shoes are beautifully crafted and the service is top notch! The recommended size in the description was spot on to compensate for the given style. I’m very happy with my purchase!Less
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