About this page
Store ratings are based on customer reviews and other data from Google and/or its partners.
Google's Top Quality Store badge is earned by merchants that provide a great shopping experience.
Information on shipping, returns, and support is based on customer reviews and surveys, and sometimes provided directly by sellers.
store rating
About these videos
These videos have been collected from the social media profiles of this business.
About review filters
Review filters that contain keywords are created based on reviews from the past 5 years
Linda Putt
Jun 1 on Google
You can't beat Waterstone's for customer service. Nothing is too much trouble and if I go into the shop the assistants are not only helpful but very knowledgeable. As I buy a lot of books, I mainly order online, they keep you informed concerning delivery times and the books arrive when they say. Once or twice I have ordered the same items twice, the customer service sorted it out immediately, giving me peace of mind.
Lucy Banks
Oct 5 on Google
Tejaswi Mehta
Sep 30 on Google
Ginger Psycho
Aug 26 on Google
Deb Harding-Morris
May 28 on Google
Store insights
These scores show how this business stacks up against similar stores for things like shipping speed, return policies, and price.
Google's Top Quality Store badge is earned by businesses that provide a great shopping experience.Learn more