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Top Quality Store


(150 store reviews)

Shop MojoDesk for stylish, durable, and ergonomic electric sit-to-stand desks. Made sustainably in Colorado...

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150 reviews











Anonymous reviewer

Jan 13, 2020 on Google Customer Reviews

"The customer service was top notch and was defiantly the most..."
I love my mojo desk! The customer service was top notch and was defiantly the most easy experience. We had a little issue with some of the products coming in damaged. Devin help me quickly and efficiently as possible. My only concern or re-evaluated would be to some of the screws and their lengths. The screws for the safety unit are to long for what is instructed to use. so if, like I would guess most would, try to put the safety mount flush to the bottom of the table your screw will put and indent or go through the top of the table. Lucky I caught it before going through the top but now I got a permeant bump dead center of my table and may safety mount isn’t flush which is probably why I keep getting an error when moving it from time to time. .
Anonymous reviewer

Feb 9 on

"I highly recommend MojoDesk and would purchase again if the need..."
I love my MojoDesk. The quality and durability of the desk is excellent, the sit-stand feature works well, and the custom size larger cubicle corner desk fit all of my needs. The only thing I would suggest is moving the wires and location of the optional metal cable tray further back on the desk (underneath) so it creates more leg room at the front of the desk and you avoid hitting your knees on the metal cable tray. I also purchased the metal clamp on power bar and use it daily. It has standard power and usb ports and takes up minimal space. Finally. I purchased the Magicsnap chain which looks nice and keeps the power cord neatly tucked away and protected. I highly recommend MojoDesk and would purchase again if the need arose.
Anonymous reviewer

Sep 13, 2022 on

"Overall, this is an outstanding desk and I'm satisfied with the..."
I've had this desk for a few years now, through three moves, including one a couple of hundred miles away. I can confirm it's very durable! The desk is heavy, but that's expected considering the large size of it, with an electrical motor. The only thing I would prefer to be better is the responsiveness when selecting the up/down or pre-programmed buttons to adjust the height of the desk. However, some may disagree and appreciate the delay for safety purposes, in case you accidentally bump one of the buttons so it doesn't instantly adjust. I also appreciate the ability to cable manage quite easily. Overall, this is an outstanding desk and I'm satisfied with the investment.
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