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Winkelbeoordelingen zijn gebaseerd op klantenreviews en andere gegevens van Google en/of Google's partners.
De Google-badge Winkel van topkwaliteit wordt verdiend door verkopers die een geweldige winkelbeleving bieden.
Informatie over verzending, retourzendingen en support is gebaseerd op klantenreviews en enquêtes en wordt soms rechtstreeks geleverd door verkopers.
winkelbeoordeling (961 reviews)
Over deze video's
Deze video's zijn verzameld uit de socialmedia-profielen van dit bedrijf.
961 reviews
5 | 94% | |
4 | 3% | |
3 | 1% | |
2 | 1% | |
1 | 1% |
About review filters
Review filters that contain keywords are created based on reviews from the past 5 years
E Johnson
6 dagen geleden op Google
Customer service is excellent. Not the cheapest but if you need hard to find games or missed out on Kickstarter, this is the place to go.
Jeffrey Litterick
29 nov op Google
Andre Alb
30 okt op Google
At first two of my orders were amazing everything was well packed. However once I needed support for in store credit, customer support was nowhere to be found not only have they not been responding to any of my emails. They do not answer their phone at all. The number I called is the one that they email you to call if they have any questions. Why would you send an email of a phone number to call for questions if at any given time throughout the days of hour of operations, they do not answer. All of this is because they do not wanna give me an in-store credit that I asked for on a return and they agreed too. I didn’t even ask for my money back. All I asked for was in-store credit and I wanted to continue to support and now I have to file a complaint.
anthony rainbird
27 sep op Google
I wasn't sure Game Steward was legit until I had read verified reviews; it just seemed too good to be true, a site that carries most crowdfunded games for purchase after said crowdfund has closed and for in most cases a lower price! Having recently made a purchase I was very happy with my buying experience. Shipping takes a bit but communication was great and my items were packed with care. I would highly recommend them for your hobby gaming needs!
Een reviewer
26 jul op Google Customer Reviews
Love The Game Steward, great selection and service!
Deze scores geven aan hoe dit bedrijf presteert ten opzichte van vergelijkbare winkels wat betreft aspecten als verzendsnelheid, retourbeleid en prijs.